Thursday, April 24, 2008


sometimes i think you need to have a bad week. we always expect bad weeks to happen no matter how much we dread them. when they do arrive it is almost calming because we know this too shall pass, the clouds will part and life as we know it will continue as usual.

so as i look at my half empty glass of white wine i realize that this week has been just that . . . a bad week, a week that feels like i could almost be broken, a week that makes me want to crawl back into bed the moment i wake up. for what reason i'm not really sure. maybe it's my job finally taking its toll on my spirit self, maybe its the 8 1/2 hour meeting i had to endure today, maybe its missing my family and those who mean so much or maybe its just simply a shitty week.

for what ever reason it may be i'm paying my dues, laying my head down and praying that tomorrow is a better day.


Brooke & Brian said...

As you know... it has been shared for both of us. I miss you so much Jim. I just want you to know how much I cherish you in my life. Pour a glass of wine tonight- it is the weekend.

See you on Sunday.